Monthly Archives: August 2019

Ways to Find Your Passion and Turn It into a Career

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Sometime ago I was speaking with a friend. My friend was not happy with her current career; she was at a crossroads considering going in a different direction career wise.  However, I could tell she had some reservations. I asked her, this new direction you are considering, is it your passion?

She replied with a chuckle my passion? Who goes to a job and is passionate about their job? It’s a job to make a living. I replied some people are fortunate enough to have a passion and use that passion to make a living for themselves.

Then she asked, are you passionate about what you do?  My answer was, I am passionate about helping people and in my line of work I am in the position to help people; so yes, I am passionate about what I do.

Later, I though more about our conversation. I thought deeper about the question my friend asked; am I passionate about what I do? The truth is I enjoy what I do. I feel a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. But passionate is a strong word. In my opinion, something a person is passionate about, they would do for free. Would I do my job for free? The honest answer is no.

I had to give some more thought about what I am passionate about. I knew deep down what my passion was however I was not practicing it anymore. After some soul searching I could reconnect with my passion. Here are some steps I took to reconnect with my passion. If you are honest with yourself, you too can rekindle that love affair with your passion.

What do you Love to do?

I must admit in between work, family, social life etc. life can get hectic! I forgot what I was passionate about because I did not have the time to remember! Think about what you love to do. This can be a hobby, something you would like to devote time to if you had more time. Think back to what you did in your spare time as a teenager or young adult before life took over.

In my case, as a teenager, I often wrote. I journaled, wrote poetry and short stories. I initially started journaling to vent, as I felt I had no voice as a teenager. Later the journaling became a powerful tool to self-awareness. Later, when introduced to poetry, poetry became enjoyable to write.

What do you find yourself thinking about?

If we take a moment to contemplate our thoughts, it will reveal our desires, passions and purpose. What did you daydream about as a kid? What brings you enjoyment? Why is it enjoyable?  How did you believe your life would turn out? How is it different? How does this make you feel? These are questions to ask yourself to reconnect to your desires. Journal your thoughts, even if you are not a “writer” journal about whatever comes to mind. This process will help expose to you what your purpose is.

Would you do if for Free?

After taking a voyage down memory lane, asking yourself honest questions and meditating on your thoughts, you should have some idea what your passion is. If you have not done your passion in some time, do it now to see if you still have the same fire for it. Now the million-dollar question is do you love your passion so much, that you would do it for free?

If you answer is yes, then congratulations! you have found your passion!


Is your Passion Something You Can Earn A Living Doing?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to wake up and do something that you love and get paid well to do it? Now that you have found your passion see if you can monetize by doing what you love. Research, create a plan, and follow through.

There are many people fortunate enough to do what they love. I believe, if you are passionate about something, you can turn your passion into a career. I would love to hear from you. Have you discovered your passion? Have you been able to support yourself financially by doing what you love?


Written By: Rochella Neely
“An Open Book”

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Tips on How to Save and Increase Wealth

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In today’s economy, people often say “it’s hard to save money.” I agree it can be difficult, however, not impossible to achieve. Honestly, I can’t understand how a person can afford not to save for unplanned emergencies. A practice I learned early on as a child, save for the future; is not common today. Funds can be used to make a large purchase, for unexpected large expenses, or in the event of a loss of income. How can I save? Here are some practices I use that have aided me in saving.

Pay Yourself First 

I’m sure most people have heard the saying “pay yourself first” I live by it. I treat my savings account as a bill that must be paid every time I receive a check. When I receive funds a portion goes directly into my savings account. This is a good practice to have. Even if it’s a small amount, ensure you put something away. You will be amazed at how these small amounts accumulate over time. For an emergency fund, I recommend having 6 months to 1 year of your salary in a liquid account. Pay yourself first, this is an excellent practice to get into the habit of.

Extra Funds? Put a portion into Your Savings Account

You receive a bonus at work or maybe if you are lucky, you receive a large income tax return. Do you treat yourself to a Michael Kors purse? Maybe a vacation? A shopping spree? Make sure you put a portion away in your savings account first. I’m certainly not saying don’t treat yourself! I believe in treating myself. However, putting a portion away will help you move closer to meeting your financial goals.

Forget about the Savings Account

The point of having a savings account is to save. Put the funds in the account and forget about it. Putting the funds in and then taking them out a week or so later defeats the purpose. The purpose is to accumulate wealth. The money should be used only in the event of an emergency or if you are saving for something specific that you are now ready to purchase.

Open a CD

Once the balance in your savings has grown to where you can invest in a CD, open a CD also known as a Certificate of Time Deposit account. A CD typically pays a higher interest rate than a savings account. This strategy will help grow your money faster by allowing the funds to sit and grow at a higher interest rate.

Avoid Paying Service Fees

Ensure that you are paying your bills on time and avoiding service fees. Service fees can add up quickly and if avoided save you a lot of money. The funds you save by avoiding service fees, should be invested into your savings portfolio.


After establishing sufficient emergency fund in your savings account and investing in a few CD’s, now you can explore investing in other options. I strongly suggest speaking with a licensed investment professional to come up with the best plan for your further investments. Find a professional you feel comfortable with and ask as many questions as you can think of. Investments can lose principal, so be sure to understand what your investment goals are, your strategy and the risks.

Saving can be a challenge however it is attainable. Having a healthy savings plan and strategy strengthens the economics of the family. The relief of not worrying over money helps aid in enjoying life and your family on a profound level. What are some strategies you use to save and increase wealth?


Written by: Rochella Neely
“an open book”

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How to Increase Relationship Building Skills

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During college, I learned many technical skills. One of the most important skills to learn was not taught in college thus, I learned all about relationship building through trial and error. Relationship building is a life-long skill that transfers into all areas of life. It doesn’t matter if an individual is an employee, an entrepreneur, a mother, a sister, a wife or business partner. Building relationships is important in any professional or personal endeavor. Here are some guidelines I have learned that help in building relationships.

I love this quote. As a young professional new to the business world, I started out trying to be what I thought Senior Managers, Executives, and esteemed colleague’s thought I should be. I believe many young professionals make this error. Not being who you are will only get you so far in the business world and life in general.

Authenticity is a must. Years ago, I made a promise to live a more authentic life. Some of the people I most admire, know who they are, have the courage to be who they are, and are happy doing so. In your career and in your personal life, people know when you are not being authentic. They can feel it, I can feel it. Authenticity is the first step to relationship building.

Once, I started to be my authentic self, all the goals I was working toward, came overflowing in my life. During a person’s career, there are many people who help cultivate, motivate and mentor the individual. Having strong relationship building skills helps this process.

Of course, in a professional environment, you must act professionally. To be authentic is to be true to your unique distinctiveness. Who are you? Does the person know who you are? Do you stay true to who you have established yourself to be? While building a relationship, it is important to be genuine, (remember people can tell when you’re faking it) once you have established who you are, stay true to that authenticity. This is how trust is built.


Trust is crucial to every relationship. Would you want someone on your team you could not trust? I absolutely would not. The people you report to want to trust you will do what you have been hired to do. In business, clients need to trust you will deliver what you have promised. Your business partners need to trust you will deliver you portion of the project.

When you are building relationships, ensure you are doing what you said you would do. If you say “I will call you on Tuesday at 2:00,” make sure you do so. Strive to over deliver. People are observing to see if you are trustworthy with a little fish, before giving you a big fish.

Service to Others

One of the best ways to build relationships and increase self-development, is to shift the focus off one self and on to helping others. In a world where individual self-gratification typically comes first, service to others can be last on the list. There are many organizations and individuals who dedicate themselves to helping others. Partner with these people and give back. Many relationships can come out of these endeavors. Once I shifted my focus to helping others, I became more fulfilled, happier, and more successful.

Relationship building is an important skill that may help you land your first job, your next job, your promotion, open your first business, take your current business to the next level, or help you find your calling. The positive effects are endless. With constant developing of this critical skill, you will notice a big, positive, change in your professional and personal life. What are some ways relationship building has positively impacted your life? I would love to hear from you!


Written by: Rochella Neely
“An Open Book”

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A Wife’s Secret To Happines By Jen Weaver Book Review

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A Wife’s Secret To Happiness

The key to a strong family unit is a strong foundation. Subscribe to win a free copy of this book! Recently, I came across this book A Wife’s Secret To Happiness. As a married woman of several years, I asked myself what is A Wife’s Secret To Happiness? I contemplated the thought myself. Prior to reading the book, my thoughts were a wife’s secret to happiness is carving time for herself as a woman, maintaining her individuality, and discovery of the joy in giving.

As I began to read the book, I was reminded of good advice every wife should remember. Jen Weaver beautifully writes this scriptural based, love letter to wives. The first chapter is all about the Blessing of Three Strands.

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My Journey to a Great Mother Son Relationship

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Mother Son Relationship 

I was 5 months pregnant, getting ready to have my ultrasound to reveal the sex of my first baby. The Ultrasound technician placed the cold, gel, on my belly. “Wow, your baby is really active, he or she is doing somersaults in there.” As the technician tried to move the monitor around my belly to get a good shot, I saw what looked like a penis on the screen.” No, it can’t be.” I thought to myself.

Finally, after what seemed like 15 minutes, a few seconds later she announced, it looks like you are having a baby boy. I was so disappointed. I really, really, wanted a baby girl. Since this was going to be my only child, (so I thought) I went home and cried a few tears. I recall my grandmother saying after I told her the news, “well, you have to accept what you got.”

She’s right I said, I should accept what I have. Then feelings of guilt settled in. There are many women who wish they could have a baby. I should be grateful and hope that I deliver a healthy, baby, boy.

I examined my feelings. Why did I want to have a girl so bad? After exploring my state of mind, the truth was, I was scared. I felt I will fail at raising a son. Young boys have so many distractions and enticements to lead them down the wrong path. They are more of a challenge to raise and I did not want to fail him. I did not believe I would have a close bond with my boy as I would have with a girl.

I had witnessed young boys, whom I knew were taught to follow a favorable path. Theirparents tried hard to keep them on the right road but as the boys grew up they choose a rough, negative, road. I felt raising a boy would be more difficult. Unbeknownst to me, I had developed a undesirable image of young boys.

My baby boy was born. He was healthy and perfect. I loved him before I met him. As he grew, I was surprised at how closely we bonded. We have the kind of relationship where he feels comfortable telling me anything. I constantly reassure him that I love him no matter what.

To my surprise, he is a thoughtful, considerate, and understanding soul. I could not have asked for a better introduction to parenthood. He certainly changed me for the better. He is one of my best friends, my teacher, of course my student, and one of the biggest loves of my life.

I learned stereotypes and fears we all have them. In hindsight, it was senseless of me to think I would not have a close bond with my boy. He came from me and there is no closer bond then our heavenly father.  We must open ourselves to “accept what we got”, enjoy our journey and live each moment with an open, unbiased heart.

If you enjoyed this post, check out Family: Absent Father and Daughters and Family: Favorites? Do you Have a Favorite Child?

Written by : Rochella Neely
“an open book”

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